Material blessings

The Thorah portion of last week was about the 12 spies being sent to explore the land. I'm still somehow like a spy. I'm determined to give a good report: The land is good. The Torah, given for the people to live in the land with G-d's blessing, is good. I'm ready to dwell in the land and become part of G-d's chosen people. So far I have not been able to live from the work of my hands in the land. I havn't conquered my own ground.

Following Yeshua means persecution in this world. Does that mean that I shouldn't expect to be able to conquere my own ground where I can prosper? Visible blessings used to be a testimony for G-d's presence with someone. (see Avraham etc.) Now, when the question is whether Yeshua is truly the Messiah and whether G-d is with us believers in Him, shouldn't G-d's visible blessings rest on us as a sign of His presence?

But, if we receive Yeshua, but reject Torah, G-d might not be able to bless us in wordly matters, at least when living in Israel. In worldly matters we might not be in a better standing than those that reject Yeshua, but receive Torah.

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